

SIMMER + SUNSHINE is a food website and blog that celebrates adventures in food, culture, wellness, and creativity.

Candace is the content creator, recipe developer, and photographer behind SIMMER + SUNSHINE. It began as a way to holistically manage her own health issues and to help others who may also be seeking ways to cook at home more and enjoy food again. Cooking is a reminder of where she came from and a way to reconnect with her roots.

Candace is a Producer and cook with a background in film, photography, and motion design. She’s a food-obsessed visual storyteller - a light sleeper and heavy dreamer. She resides in the great state of Texas with her infinitely supportive husband and their spunky 24 year-old box turtle named Sunshine. Thanks for stopping by her cozy little corner of the internet.

Sunshine the box turtle is 24 years young. He is about the size of an avocado, and also loves eating it as well. His hobbies include chomping on fruits and veggies, playing hide-and-seek, and taking long baths.

Sunshine the box turtle is 24 years young. He is about the size of an avocado, and also loves eating it as well. His hobbies include chomping on fruits and veggies, playing hide-and-seek, and taking long baths.